Category Archives: beatles

start finishing.


not much of what i ever do gets finished. come on over, take a look through the house, you might notice it. there are projects that are just about there; drywall patched, but not painted, lights mostly installed, caulk jobs pretty much complete and so on.

the list of books i’ve read 70% of is 70% longer than my inseam.

all these little things to me just say i’m awesome at starting stuff! i’ve got vision. i’m a dreamer.

but, there’s something about going all the way, that just totally escapes me. you should see the drafts behind the scenes of this blog.

a few weeks ago, i attended a seminar from @jonacuff called “3 ways to crush your goals” one of the key take always about goal setting was simply to make milestones in goals small enough to build momentum.

I’m not sure what my goal is here, but i’ve wanted to write some thoughts out for quite a while. and my first simple milestone is to just post something. so here it goes.

it’s time to start finishing.