Tag Archives: contentment

remarkable title

Today is gonna be the day
That they’re gonna throw it back to you
By now you should’ve somehow
Realized what you gotta do
I don’t believe that anybody
Feels the way I do about you now

wonderwall-oasis 1995ish

let me say first if you don’t know this song just listen to it now.

now, i can almost smell @pizzahut pizza when i hear that song. i worked at the restaurant of the same name in my home town of greenville, mi from the fall of 1995, right before nigel dick and the boys made their splash on this side of the pond, to late spring of 1996.

not sure why but every time i hear that song, i’m back there pumping vegtable oil into those mmmm mmmm good pans.

i could tell you story after story of pizza  deliveries  that would no doubt be riveting, but the most important thing I took from that job was perspective.

the two managers, that I remember, kent and steve both had in the  mind of a nineteen year old dan, had something, sketching pretty special, something i don’t recall witnessing in too many other adults before them-or honestly after.


it’s still difficult for me to comprehend how two grown men could be content managing that restaurant in our small town. both steve and kent genuinely seemed to take pleasure in the work we did slinging hot fresh pizza to the masses.

in reality though, those guys got it. being happy with what you’ve got, leads to happy. there’s no way that the path to happiness is whine, complain and grump your self to a better tomorrow. i’m not suggesting that just choosing to be something makes you that thing, but it goes a LONG way.

my aspiration-choose to be happy and maybe, just maybe i’ll end up that way.