Tag Archives: #minsgame

Texas is Orange

We’re a little more than two weeks into 2017 and it’s been a whirlwind.

  • I’ve said goodbye to my thirties-YIKES!
  • Celebrated with a good friend who took his nuptials in Minnesota #naomiandjeff
  • Walked 9.2 miles around the block
  • Learned the colors of states from Bobby (Texas is orange, Michigan is green and Florida is yellow & blue).
  • I finished 2 of the ten books that were hanging out (The Zero Game by Brad Metzer, Fatal Error: A Novel (Ali Reynolds Series) by J.A. Jance) I’d be happy to pass either on.
  • Unburdened myself with 121 things on my way to 496 participating in the #minsgame you can see stuff I’ve dumped on Instagram
  • Enjoyed some more deep dive counseling with Kelly & Dr. John at PCS Counseling 
  • Kate encouraged me to use proper punctuation &  capitalization…guess it’s time to grow up.

Every step has been one forward. It takes Motivation, meaning,  and purpose.

Each young day of 2017 has been done with intention.

I’m going forward, are you?